Cuenca del Rio Cañete


El rio cañete nace en el nevado deTiclla a 4 600 m.s.n.m. al norte de Yauyos formando la laguna de ticllacocha y recorre 220 km.hasta desembocar en el mar en la provincia de Cañete a 153 km.Al sur de Lima.


La reserva paisajística Nor- Yauyos- Cochas ubicado al sureste de Lima y al norte de Yauyos departamento de Lima y situados entre los 3 554 y 3 600 m.s.n.m.

El viaje se efectua camino hacia la sierra de Lima y a riveras del rio Cañete, por la ruta Lima-Cañete km.144 de la panamericana sur, Lunahuana-Catahuasi-Magdalena-Llapay-Tinco Alis-Vitis y arribar a Huanca ya la distancia desde Lima-Huanca ya es de 324 km.Y desde Lunahuana-Huancaya a 180 km.

El viaje en transporte turístico es entre 7-8 horas de viajes y la vía de transporte es trocha.

CLIMA : Presenta una temperatura 13°c que varia estacionalmente entre 8° y 20° c, con mucho sol durante el día y frio en la noche. Seco durante el invierno (mayo-septiembre) y con precipitaciones de lluvias durante el verano (octubre-abril), las cuales son mas intensas entre enero y marzo.

FLORA : Existe diversidad de especies como :la totora,aliso,eucalipto,ortiga.En las alturas encontramos ichu y especies medicinales como: huamanrripa,turpo y llancahuasha.Tuberculos como: la papa, oca, mashua, olluco.

FAUNA : Sobresalen la vicuña, venado, vizcacha, puma andino, gato montes y el zorro. Entre las aves destaca el condor, huachhua, paloma torcaza, martin pescador, gaviotas, perdiz, variedad de patos, cernícalos, picaflores, oropendolas y gallaretas.




Nuestros paseos a caballos son por la campiña el paseo es guiado el circuito es en el anexo de catapalla pasaremos por el puente colgante dentro del circuito visitaremos una bodega vitivinícola.

El recorrido del paseo a caballo es aproximadamente 1 hora es muy importante actitud positiva.

Tenemos recorridos de 2 horas y nuevos circuitos dependiendo de tu tiempo para cualquier otro programas contactenos y haremos de tu viaje inolvidable.

opcional:fotografia digital y video con gopro

Bicicleta de Montaña

Bicicleta de montaña

Nuestro circuito de bicicleta de montaña depende de la experiencia, habilidad y condicion física que tenga nuestro cliente tenemos circuitos basicos y avanzados nuestro servicio ofrece recojo desde tu hotel y retorno.


    Bicicleta de montaña.
    Equipo de seguridad (cascos, coderas, rodilleras).
    Guía durante el viaje.
    Botiquín de primeros auxilios.
    Guía bilingue.

Warkoadventures te ofrece circuitos desde 1 hora - 3 horas de recorrido en bicicleta en el valle de lunahuana recorriendo la campiña del valle visitando restos arqueologicos y vitivinícolas pasando por puentes colgantes y acequias donde podras desarrollar tus habilidades en contacto con la naturaleza.

Positiva actitud mental.

Ofrecemos servicio de fotografía y video con Gopro

City Tours


Lunahuana : The district of Cañete belongs to the department of Lima and is located 187 km. southeast of Lima in a ravine where the Cañete River runs.
Located 4800 meters above sea level.

Etymology : Lunahuana at the Inca time was called: Runa Huanac in Quechua, meaning runa (man, people) and Huanac (punishment). In the post-colonial era it is pronounced and written Lunahuana.

Inca wasi : Means House of the Inca
The Inca Tupac Yupanqui ordered the building of this beautiful town in 1450 to approximately

 E Sector : This sector has defined three branches, one consisting of approximately 96 passages and rooms and cubicles, the other formed by a separate set of 9 rooms, a hallway and the third is a square, with a central way in which we find a platform and ushnu.

Colonial Church : The church building dates from the seventeenth century and was completed in 1960. It was built 'by the Franciscans. The church was constructed with materials from the area: reeds, mud and covered with lime. The church is called St. James Lunahuana and is located in the main square of Lunahuana. Its door is the gateway to the town, and the church has a high altar of gold leaf.

Swinging footbridge catapalla : It was built around the sixties. Initially it was built with local materials, such as maguey. It was the first pedestrian path to annex hanging catapalla noble material and is now visited by many tourists.

Wine growing : The valley has a number of handmade wineries that offer different varieties of wines and piscos which are made from native grapes such as: uvina. This grape variety has been mutated, transformed and adapted exclusively to the valley Lunahuana. The Burgundy black and white shakes and muscatel are also grown here.

Fishing : Fishing for shrimp that are then offered at the restaurants in succulent dishes with shrimp such as chicharron, omelets, ceviche and garlic shrimp.
In the river there is shrimp, catfish, and crayfish..

Birds : Duck torrentino, cormorants, white heron, Martin fishing, woodpeckers, and hummingbirds, kestrel, and falcon.

Flora: In the Lunahuana Valley, we can find: willow trees, chilco, molle, guavas, reed, wild cane, rushes.

Medicinal plants :Llanten, ponytail, mauve, grass lemon, aloe, suck blood, watercress.

Fruits : The harvest is during August to October and the grapes are harvested in the months of December to March. Sour soup is harvested in May and June, plums are harvested in May and June, avocados are harvested throughout the year, grain is harvested in February - March, cherimoya the months of May and June and an exotic fruit chungo that is slowly dying in the valley.